Monday, May 30, 2011

Few years fly by....

There's something about "May" that stirs strong MBA emotions in me. If you look at all the old posts, you will find that most of them were during this part of the year. And I'm here, yet again. I've seen lots of change in the 2-3 yrs since my last post - I feel a lot wiser (note the underline), gained an advanced degree, got married, changed careers but, the MBA dream is still ON! I love my new job (no longer new..its been more than a year) and can keep arguing how a B-School degree can still do wonders to my career. I just read a blog(can't remember who...) where the author sums it up as "having a rocket up your ar$e for the rest of your career". In hindsight, there were a lot of mistakes in my earlier applications and hopefully I learnt from them.

There are a few positives in my profile now, such as, I-

1. No longer fall into the MIT category (for the uninitiated, MIT = Male, Indian, Techie - by far the most common MBA aspirant pool I've ever seen)

2. Have an advanced degree. (It wasn't exactly fun juggling work and school. I was married by the last quarter and the demands for my time were no longer manageable by mortals. Obviously, I'm no he-man, and a few grades suffered but, I still had a strong finish).

3. Work for a rapidly growing company that has definitely turned heads in the space that it operates.

4. No longer have to give the GMAT. Though my 720 does not measure up against some strong numbers that we may see this application season, I strongly believe there is so much more I'm bringing to the table and what the heck...720 is still a great score :D

5. Have a total of 6 years of work experience and have age on my side. Oh, come 27 really that old :)

As I think through this, I will not be applying to many schools this time round. May be 3 +/- 1. All of them will be round 1. Going back to grad school was a great idea. I know what I want (at least I think I do). I'll kick start the summer by visiting all the schools that I intend to apply to. This was something I missed last time round and I could feel the difference.

Good luck to me.
